Friends of Dundonald Constitution
(As agreed at Public Meeting held on 7th October 2004)
Who we are
1. “The Friends of Dundonald Park” are people from the local community wishing to serve the local community who use and enjoy the Playing Field and its amenities.
2. Our purpose is to develop and enhance Dundonald Park as a place of recreation, education and enjoyment for the benefit of all sections of the local community and all users of the park. This will include working to ensure that the needs all people including the particular needs of women, men, black and ethnic minority people, children, younger and older people and disabled people are fully recognised and reflected in our activities.
3. We shall do this by:
· working with all sections of the local community; democratically elected representatives of the local community, local authorities and any other person, business or body which the Friends consider can best promote its purpose;
· fund raising, applying for monetary grants, and arranging activities to achieve the purposes set out in paragraph 2 above and spending grants and funds raised to achieve the purposes of The Friends as expressed in this Constitution or as resolved by The Friends.
· holding regular public events and meetings
4. The Friends in all its dealings with its members, other people and bodies shall operate without discrimination on the grounds of age, sex, sexual orientation, race, national origin, ethnicity, colour, disability, religion or belief or political affiliation.
5. The Friends shall not distribute profits and shall apply all of its income to the furtherance of the objects above
6. The work of Friends shall not be for the benefit of landfill site operators who may contribute to Friends and claim credit under the Landfill Tax Credit Scheme. Nor shall it be for the benefit of contributing third parties, as defined in the landfill tax regulations
7. Membership is generally open to all who subscribe the appropriate monetary amount and who undertake to abide by the letter and spirit of this constitution. Admission to membership is at all times at the discretion of the Executive Committee.
8. Classes of membership and the rates of annual subscription shall be set at the annual meeting
9. The following officers shall be elected at each annual meeting
· Chair
· Vice Chair
· Secretary
· Treasurer
· Fundraiser
An Honorary President may be appointed at the annual meeting. This would normally be a person of prominence in the local community who can represent ‘The Friends’ to the wider community
Executive Committee
10. The Friends shall be governed by the Committee between Annual General Meetings. The procedure of the Committee is for the Committee to determine, including the right of the Committee to invite persons to its meeting as seem necessary for the proper discharge of any or all of its business. Minutes of meetings will be available on request .
11. The Committee will consist of the above officers and up to a maximum of four other members who shall be elected at the annual meeting or appointed by the Committee if positions are vacant between annual meetings. The Committee shall have the power to co-opt up to three additional members to the Committee on the grounds that they bring a special expertise to the Committee which is not otherwise available. Co-opted members shall have no voting rights and may be excluded from the meetings of the Committee if the Committee deems it necessary or expedient for the proper discharge of any or all of its business. Nominations for the Committee shall be invited in the notice for the annual meeting. Nominations are valid if given at any time up to and including the annual meeting .
12. The Committee may only take decisions when quorate. The Committee is quorate when four Committee members are present.
Annual Meetings
13. A meeting shall be held each year not later than four months after the end of the financial year which shall be 31 March each year. The Committee shall give not less than 21 days notice of the date fixed for the annual meeting. An annual meeting is quorate only when at least 10 per cent of members are present. If an annual meeting is not quorate the existing Committee shall continue in office for the time being.
14. The Executive Committee shall give a report of its stewardship of The Friends at each annual meeting.
Urgent Meetings
15. The Committee or 10 per cent of the members may call an urgent meeting for the discussion only of specified business. No less than 7 days notice of such a meeting shall be given to the membership by the Committee. No business other than that specified in the call for the meeting shall be transacted at the meeting. The quorum for the meeting shall be that for an annual meeting. The procedure at the meeting shall be as the members there present shall determine at the time.
Voting16. At all meetings voting shall be by a show of hands and carried by a simple majority. The Chair of the meeting shall have a second casting vote in the event of a tied vote. At any general meeting ten or more members may call for a secret ballot at the meeting; which shall then be held in such a manner as the Chair shall direct.
Accounts and Audit
17. Two members, who are not members of the Committee, shall be appointed as independent examiners of the accounts at the annual meeting or failing that by the Committee. Accounts shall be presented at the annual meeting for approval by the members.
Amending the Constitution
18. This constitution may be amended by a motion passed at an annual or urgent meeting. No motion for amendment of this Constitution shall be valid unless it was included in the notification of the meeting to the members referred to in paragraphs 11 or 13 above. A simple majority of members present at the meeting shall be required for an amendment to be effective.
Winding up
19. The Friends may be wound up by a simple majority of members voting for such a resolution at any annual or extraordinary meeting. Should a winding up resolution be passed the Group shall cease to exist as soon as its funds are disposed of. Any residual funds shall be paid to the London Borough of Merton provided that the London Borough of Merton undertake to expend such funds on one or more projects at Dundonald Park within six months of the date of payment. If no such undertaking is forthcoming the Funds shall be paid to a local charity or charities chosen by members at the winding up meeting.
20. In the event of the organisation winding up any remaining Landfill Tax Credit Scheme money shall be transferred to any enrolled Environmental Body, and not to an organisation of similar objects and status
Who we are
1. “The Friends of Dundonald Park” are people from the local community wishing to serve the local community who use and enjoy the Playing Field and its amenities.
2. Our purpose is to develop and enhance Dundonald Park as a place of recreation, education and enjoyment for the benefit of all sections of the local community and all users of the park. This will include working to ensure that the needs all people including the particular needs of women, men, black and ethnic minority people, children, younger and older people and disabled people are fully recognised and reflected in our activities.
3. We shall do this by:
· working with all sections of the local community; democratically elected representatives of the local community, local authorities and any other person, business or body which the Friends consider can best promote its purpose;
· fund raising, applying for monetary grants, and arranging activities to achieve the purposes set out in paragraph 2 above and spending grants and funds raised to achieve the purposes of The Friends as expressed in this Constitution or as resolved by The Friends.
· holding regular public events and meetings
4. The Friends in all its dealings with its members, other people and bodies shall operate without discrimination on the grounds of age, sex, sexual orientation, race, national origin, ethnicity, colour, disability, religion or belief or political affiliation.
5. The Friends shall not distribute profits and shall apply all of its income to the furtherance of the objects above
6. The work of Friends shall not be for the benefit of landfill site operators who may contribute to Friends and claim credit under the Landfill Tax Credit Scheme. Nor shall it be for the benefit of contributing third parties, as defined in the landfill tax regulations
7. Membership is generally open to all who subscribe the appropriate monetary amount and who undertake to abide by the letter and spirit of this constitution. Admission to membership is at all times at the discretion of the Executive Committee.
8. Classes of membership and the rates of annual subscription shall be set at the annual meeting
9. The following officers shall be elected at each annual meeting
· Chair
· Vice Chair
· Secretary
· Treasurer
· Fundraiser
An Honorary President may be appointed at the annual meeting. This would normally be a person of prominence in the local community who can represent ‘The Friends’ to the wider community
Executive Committee
10. The Friends shall be governed by the Committee between Annual General Meetings. The procedure of the Committee is for the Committee to determine, including the right of the Committee to invite persons to its meeting as seem necessary for the proper discharge of any or all of its business. Minutes of meetings will be available on request .
11. The Committee will consist of the above officers and up to a maximum of four other members who shall be elected at the annual meeting or appointed by the Committee if positions are vacant between annual meetings. The Committee shall have the power to co-opt up to three additional members to the Committee on the grounds that they bring a special expertise to the Committee which is not otherwise available. Co-opted members shall have no voting rights and may be excluded from the meetings of the Committee if the Committee deems it necessary or expedient for the proper discharge of any or all of its business. Nominations for the Committee shall be invited in the notice for the annual meeting. Nominations are valid if given at any time up to and including the annual meeting .
12. The Committee may only take decisions when quorate. The Committee is quorate when four Committee members are present.
Annual Meetings
13. A meeting shall be held each year not later than four months after the end of the financial year which shall be 31 March each year. The Committee shall give not less than 21 days notice of the date fixed for the annual meeting. An annual meeting is quorate only when at least 10 per cent of members are present. If an annual meeting is not quorate the existing Committee shall continue in office for the time being.
14. The Executive Committee shall give a report of its stewardship of The Friends at each annual meeting.
Urgent Meetings
15. The Committee or 10 per cent of the members may call an urgent meeting for the discussion only of specified business. No less than 7 days notice of such a meeting shall be given to the membership by the Committee. No business other than that specified in the call for the meeting shall be transacted at the meeting. The quorum for the meeting shall be that for an annual meeting. The procedure at the meeting shall be as the members there present shall determine at the time.
Voting16. At all meetings voting shall be by a show of hands and carried by a simple majority. The Chair of the meeting shall have a second casting vote in the event of a tied vote. At any general meeting ten or more members may call for a secret ballot at the meeting; which shall then be held in such a manner as the Chair shall direct.
Accounts and Audit
17. Two members, who are not members of the Committee, shall be appointed as independent examiners of the accounts at the annual meeting or failing that by the Committee. Accounts shall be presented at the annual meeting for approval by the members.
Amending the Constitution
18. This constitution may be amended by a motion passed at an annual or urgent meeting. No motion for amendment of this Constitution shall be valid unless it was included in the notification of the meeting to the members referred to in paragraphs 11 or 13 above. A simple majority of members present at the meeting shall be required for an amendment to be effective.
Winding up
19. The Friends may be wound up by a simple majority of members voting for such a resolution at any annual or extraordinary meeting. Should a winding up resolution be passed the Group shall cease to exist as soon as its funds are disposed of. Any residual funds shall be paid to the London Borough of Merton provided that the London Borough of Merton undertake to expend such funds on one or more projects at Dundonald Park within six months of the date of payment. If no such undertaking is forthcoming the Funds shall be paid to a local charity or charities chosen by members at the winding up meeting.
20. In the event of the organisation winding up any remaining Landfill Tax Credit Scheme money shall be transferred to any enrolled Environmental Body, and not to an organisation of similar objects and status